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As the course is nearing its completion, below is the summary of all the learnings and reflection I had which made the course more worthwhile:

Did you remember to take regular breaks away from your screen during this week? How often? Did you stretch your body?’

Yes. I dedicate time for study (4 hours a day except for Monday and Thursday); stick to it with 5-to-10-minute break in between. That way, I’ll be able to fit in all the other hats I need to wear gaming dealer, wife, mum, friend, daughter and sister for my family back home.

What is Timeboxing? Have you heard of it before? Will you use it?

Timeboxing is a time management style where each task is given a fixed but realistic timeline to be able to complete a job before it is due.

I haven’t heard of it before, but the idea is like a Gantt chart in project management.

I believe I am already using timeboxing in a ay but I just have to be more strategic and perhaps, I can adapt the agile scrum framework to improve my timeboxing and make me more efficient.

On a 0-5 scale, how confident are you with each of the assignments?

I make it a habit to have a proper mindset before I enter something just like with my studies. However, at the beginning of the school, I feel that my confidence is only at the scale of 3 as everything is new to me. My confidence went up when I made a dummy website through GitHub as I enjoyed doing it. The video-graph session also boosts my confidence as I know so long, I am motivated, focused and determined to accomplish what I want to do, I will survive.

What are of you proud of up to this point in the course?

Aside from being able to come up with a fake website where I religiously update on a weekly basis to document my learning and improvement with software development, I am proud that I have gained learning not only scholastically but psychologically and emotionally as well.

Do you have a personal learning strategy? If so, what parts of your learning strategy worked? What problems did you face? If you don’t have a personal strategy yet, what do you think might work? Invent a describe a strategy for yourself.

My learning strategy is to always check the assessment instruction and read the learning objectives at the beginning of the course. That way, I will be able to plan on how I can complete the assignment in such a way that the learning objective is met.

I list all the tasks I need to do both for the house and school on the whiteboard we already have at home. I tick all the tasks completed. In terms of studying, I try to read the module and if I am not understanding it, I try to search for videos in Linked, O’Reilly and YouTube. Once I already grasp the idea, I continue reading.

If you could send a time traveling text message back to yourself at the start of this course, what would it say?

Avoid saying you’re lost, instead remind yourself to stay focus and you’ll be able to grasp what’s needed. You don’t have to be an expert straight away. It takes time. Keep the determination and you’ll get there. Your effort will not be wasted.

What is Python?

“Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.”

Have you developed a habit of exploring?

Yes. During discussion, when I hear terminologies that are new to me and I am unaware of, I list it down. After the class and during the 4 hours I allot to myself as study time, I research for those words and try to understand as much as I can.

Have you meditated before?

It’s been a while since I last meditated but yes, I did it before especially when I feel overwhelmed.

Is there something over which you have gained a degree of mastery before in your life? Gymnastics, Rubik’s Cubes, A Video Game? What did it take?

I mastered Rubik’s cube during the lockdown! 😊 It takes a lot of patience, focus, motivation, and effort. I searched for the steps and the technique on how to solve the puzzle. I made an outline on how it is solved and list the algorithms needed. I am not on a competitive level yet, but I am confident that I can solve a Rubik’s Cube.

I also finished Diploma on Leadership and Management Level 5. The same attitude is needed to finish and pass the course.

Do you consider yourself a developer yet?

Technically speaking not yet, but based on one of the discussions, creativity is always there. We can always develop something that may not be totally new but an improvement of what is already existing is already considered developing. I guess, I already have what it takes to be a developer.

Do you value creativity? As a value itself? What about as a tool for learning to think logically?

Yes, I value creativity. This time, I am imbibing the value of creativity as a tool for learning so I can start to think outside the box.

I have 25 tabs and 3 documents opened. No social media or sites that aren’t study related are open. I strictly dedicate my study to learning.

Have you had a fight response to technology? What does it feel like? How did you overcome this?

Yes. Every time the idea of learning anything that has to do with Information Technology, I keep on saying I can’t do it. It’s only for the intelligent ones (nerd-like). I was recently trained and assigned as an EGM (Electronic Gaming Machine) assistant in my workplace where I need to assist customers should they have problem with the machine. That made me realise that no matter what I do technology is already part of our daily lives. Learning and being able to understand how it works will be a useful skill.

What is an IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment as far as I can remember from the module it consists of source code editor, compiler/interpreter, and debugger. Source code editor is where you write the codes, compiler/interpreter translates the code to binary (language that the computer can understand). A compiler completes the message before translating while the interpreter translates each line, relating to language interpreter. A debugger runs the code and may tell if there is a code malfunctioning.

What did you learn out of the Marshmallow Challenge?

The marshmallow challenge taught me coordination and communication within the team. It also allows our creativity to work in such a way that instructions and limitations are met while achieving the goal.

Did you have any blocks during this challenge? How did you overcome them?

Yes, everyone has different ideas which all sounded good. We tried to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of all the ideas and follow the one which we think as a group will work.

So far, what was the hardest moment of this course for you?

Writing the code in Python is the hardest as the conventional way of teaching wasn’t done which is understandable because I will take how many ears before the topic is finished in a traditional way. Moreover, improvements happen every now and then and the standard python library is an open book. What matters is understanding how each code or syntax is used and practice to better understand and for the information to be retained.

What is OOP?

Object Oriented Programming based on my understanding is a kind of programming that uses object to formulate a program rather than codes, syntax or logical functions like the one we did in Scratch.

Are you using the canvas content? Do you find it helpful or tedious?

I did. Most often I find what is written easy to understand when I already watch videos explaining the topic. Perhaps because visual and kinaesthetic are my dominant learning style.

Which parts of the work did you find tedious?

The python codes and the python koans are the most tedious part of the work for me.

What is polymorphism?

Polymorphism means having many forms. In programming, it’s the ability of a message to be presented or displayed in different forms.

Did you hear a self-critical voice in your head throughout the process of learning during these last few weeks? What did it say to you? Do you believe what it said?

Yes, it’s telling me that it’s difficult. I believe what it said but I counter it by veering away from the thought that it is difficult. I go back to what I keep telling my kids, ”If you think it’s difficult, the more that it will be difficult.

What is an MVP? How would you describe it to a group of 6-year-olds?

MVP is a way of a team to come up with a product that has the basic feature that they think will be useful for the users to identify how the customer will behave in the launch of the product. Will they patronise it? If yes, are the features enough or they’re still looking for something more? If no, why?

It’s the same when you’re playing Lego. You imagine what you want to create with all the features that you think you and your playmate will be able to use depending on what scenario you’d like. Then you start building the Lego with your friend. After, you continue play pretend and as you do so, you start to discover whether what you built is already enough or if there are still features, you’d like to add to make it more usable and effective.

What is the hardest problem you have solved so far?

In terms od this course, understanding the python coding is the hardest problem which I feel I haven’t solved yet but is on the process and will get there.

What is pair programming?

Based on the activity we did, Pair programming is writing a code in one station with a partner where one writes the code and the other one is the observer who checks the codes as it is typed. The two take turns. This ensures the code quality and improve productivity as two heads are better than one.

What are you looking forward to learning about programming?

I am looking forward to being confident in writing my own codes for my own simple program to start with.

What is conscious listening?

My understanding to conscious listening is being present in a communication intentionally where the listener is aware of both the speaker and his own feelings.

What is a variable?

Based on the scratch Hello World activity, variable in programming is something that can change depending on a certain condition. For example, the variable I used is name which means it will change based on what the user’s answer for the question “What is your name”. In MVP, the product is a prototype which means it can change based on the observed customer behaviour or features lacking after testing the product.

What programming languages are you interested in learning? Why?

Aside from being adept in Python, I am interested to learn JavaScript as I believe it is widely used for interactive website and is part of the top 10 commonly used programming language.

What is something kind that someone has done for you?

I was late for the first lab activity as I still need to drop my kids to school. Jordan, once of my classmates, volunteered to discuss with me the topics I missed. He also clarified to me that the embedded code from Scratch wouldn’t in the GitHub preview but will appear with the .io launched page.

If you were describing programming to someone who knows nothing about it, what would you say?

Programming for me is coming up with your own set of formula to a given subject.

Which parts of this course made you feel doubtful of your own innate ability?

Python codes is the part of this course that made me feel doubtful of my ability.

What is a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is believing that someone’s intelligence, ability and skills can no longer be improved or developed. It is already stable and fix.

What is something kind you have done for someone else?

I believe that sharing with one of our classmates how I made my web and cheering the team while doing the marshmallow activity are act of kindness.

Have you done mindfulness or attention training before?

No, but I do it occasionally as my watch would normally notify me to pause for a while and do mindfulness and breathing for reflection and meditation.

Have you developed a habit of persevering?

I believe I am beginning to have the habit of persevering.

Week 1: Scratch | Week 2: GitHub | Week 3: Python | Week 4: Unexpect The Expected | Week 5: Agile | Week 6: Python_Koans